COVID-19 Induction - Emmetts Civil Construction
  • COVID-19 Induction

    As you will be well aware the world is working to contain the COVID-19 pandemic and as part of this we must all commit to doing our bit in limiting the spread of this disease.

    This means there will be a few things that we must do differently to ensure the success of our controls. This will ultimately protect your health and that of your family, friends and New Zealand.

    Inline with the Government Alert Levels 2 & 3 COVID-19 Protocols all workers / contractors and authorised visitors must complete the following induction before entering an Emmetts Civil Construction Site and adhere to all of its requirements while working.

    Before completing this induction you must be familiar with the Emmetts Civil Construction COVID-19 Operations Plan and Protocols.

    We ask that everyone is patient and considerate of others on site during this period. If you have any question please don’t hesitate to ask.

  • Travel

    Where possible it is recommended that staff do not car pool to work, utilising their own personal vehicles or other forms of transport.

  • Self Assessment

    Staff / Contractors must notify their manager if any of the following items are applicable to them before attending site If they have completed international travel within the last 14 days.

    If they have been in contact with anyone of has been suspected or diagnosed with Covid-19. If they are experiencing any of the following symptoms:

    • High temperature (fever)
    • Cough
    • Shortness of breath
    • Sore throat
    • Sneezing / runny nose
    • Temporary loss of smell

  • PPE

    Please ensure that you bring all your PPE to site. Emmetts Civil Construction sites require the following PPE:

    • Hard Hat
    • Hi-vis
    • Boots

    You may choose to wear masks or glasses if they wish. Additional PPE may be required when undertaking works some works and details can be found in the COVID-19 Protocols and Site Specific Safety Plans or Task Analysis documents.

  • As you enter site please sanitise your hands.

    Follow all COVID-19 Hygiene Standards as directed. Details can be found in our COVID-19 Protocols and in Site Specific Safety Plans.

  • Signing In

    • All staff, including delivery drivers and other authorised persons, must sign in using site sign in protocols.
    • Anyone entering site must thoroughly wash their hands upon entry.

  • Staff Proximity

    • Reduce any possible contact between workers and to promote physical distancing wherever possible.

    • If you can maintain 1m separation between you and other workers, standard construction PPE can be worn.

    • Sub-contractors who’s work requires them to be closer than 1m to other staff must notify Emmetts Civil Construction prior to works and submit a Task Analysis detailing how the risks associated with Covid-19 transmission will be managed.

    • There will be a Zero Tolerance policy taken against people who breach the 1m separation requirement.

  • Breaks/ Lunch

    • Bring your own food with you to work.
    • Only use break areas during the scheduled time for your team.
    • All staff must be at least 2m apart when eating.
    • Wipe down tables and surfaces after use.
    • Wash your hands before and after your break.

  • Toilets

    • Flush toilets with the lid down.
    • After using the restroom, please use sanitiser on all surfaces you touch including door handles.
    • Sanitise or wash your hands after cleaning.

  • Deliveries

    • All drivers to sign in and follow site entry protocols.
    • Ensure physical distancing while unloading.

  • Site Meetings

    • Where possible meetings will be conducted via Video Conferencing.
    • If not possible meetings will be conducted in areas where Physical Distancing can be safely achieved.
    • The meeting method will be discussed when the meeting is booked.

  • Visitors

    • Access to site is permitted only to staff, subcontractors and other authorised persons working directly on a project.
    • No site visitors will be permitted access to site during Alert Level 3.

  • Emmetts Yard

    • Access to site is permitted to working staff / subcontractors only.
    • No general public, sales representatives, media or any uninvited or not-inducted visitors are allowed into ANY ECCL sites, workshops or offices during NZ Government Levels 2, 3 or 4 Alert lockdowns.
    • Sign in / out and COVID-19 protocols must be followed at all times.

  • Upokongaro Bridge Site

    • Access to site is permitted to working staff / subcontractors only.
    • No general public, sales representatives, media or any uninvited or not-inducted visitors are allowed into ANY ECCL sites, workshops or offices during NZ Government Levels 2, 3 or 4 Alert lockdowns.
    • Sign in / out and COVID-19 protocols must be followed at all times.

  • Returning Home

    When considering our home bubbles, it is recommended that all staff / subcontractors returning home complete the following:

    • Remove your shoes and leave these at the door.
    • When returning home, try not to touch anything before having a shower.
    • Have a shower and make sure to clean your hands, wrists, arms, neck, nails and areas that might have been exposed.
    • If you have been working in close proximity with other staff (less than 1m), wash your work clothes.
    • Comply with all Level 2 / 3 Lockdown guidelines and protocols when outside of work. Stay home or in your nominated bubbles to keep yourself, your bubbles and your work colleagues safe!

  • If there is a case of COVID-19 on site.

    In the event that a team member contracts COVID-19, we have developed COVID-19 Protocols that detail the steps we will take if this occurs. This can be found in the Emmetts Civil Construction ‘COVID-19 Protocols’ document that has been issued to all staff working on our projects.

    A big help to the Ministry of Health in the event of a case on site is Contact Tracing. Our Sign-In system will allow us to see who this person has been on site with while they have been at site. This is why we ask that all of us complete this when we arrive at and leave site everyday.

  • Contacts

    If you have any further questions about working on site please contact Richard or your supervisor.

    Richard Emmett ‭027 244 0030‬

    Jeremy Emmett ‭027 208 7560‬

    Corey Julian ‭027 275 0762

  • Submission

    You must submit your declaration below to be inducted into an Emmetts Civil Construction workplace.

    If you cannot answer in the affirmative to all of the declarations below you must not come to site and inform Richard Emmett immediately on ‭027 244 0030.

    Please note that upon submission you will be directed to the COVID-19 Documentation page where you can review our COVID-19 Operations Plan and Protocols.